Life is like a camera
Focus on what is important
Capture the good times
Develop the negatives
and if things don't work out.....
Just take another shot.
author unknown

Fox Update: The kits are getting old enough to come out and play. Last night, Rich and I watched from the second floor of the garage. Much to our surprise, there are at least 9 kits. I also found out the day before that there are 3 adults. So, now we see why some of the kits are visibly smaller than others. There are 2 mothers, each with their own litter! We watched them play and chase each other around. Dad caught a bird, it looked like a blue jay and brought it to them to eat. WOW, it must be hard work providing food for all of them. I have plenty of great photos and will continue to post them. Page kits here are "Snapshots II" by Cheryl McCain and "Just To Make You Smile" by Lynn Griffin.

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