Life is like a camera
Focus on what is important
Capture the good times
Develop the negatives
and if things don't work out.....
Just take another shot.
author unknown
Today, I was cleaning out the garden in front of the house. Little Miss Camo came out to help. I had mowed the weeds and then was raking everything into piles. She was having a great time playing in the dried grass. She is such a fluffball. It was a windy day, so her fur was nice and full.

I was really hoping for a great view of the "super moon" tonight but it was cloudy here. Here's what National Geographic says about it: The monthly full moon always looks like a big disk, but because its orbit is egg-shaped, there are times when the moon is at perigee—its shortest distance from Earth in the roughly monthlong lunar cycle—or at apogee, its farthest distance from Earth. Likewise, because the size of the moon's orbit varies slightly, each perigee is not always the same distance away from Earth. Tonight's supermoon will be just 221,566 miles (356,577 kilometers) away from Earth. The last time the full moon approached so close to Earth was in 1993, according to NASA.

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