Life is like a camera
Focus on what is important
Capture the good times
Develop the negatives
and if things don't work out.....
Just take another shot.
author unknown
Today, it was unseasonably warm. I decided to go on a bike ride with a destination in mind about 20 miles away. I rode from Cumming to Des Moines on the Great Western Trail, through Water Works Park and headed across this new rail converted bridge to find my way to the Inter-Urban Trail to Becky & Denny's house. To my surprise, the trail was not repaired yet from the summer flooding and I ended up on a dirt construction road to a dead end fence. I "bushwacked" around the fence and headed off on a sort of grassy mixed with mud holes trail/road. Down by the river, I met a disheveled man on an old beater MTB and he was glad to orient me by telling me we were in back of Broadlawns Hospital and that the paved trail was "right over there". I thanked him and was on my way!

1 comment:

Shelby Forrest Wilson said...

I'd love to have a place to ride bikes. Wish we weren't so slow about bike trails around here.