Life is like a camera
Focus on what is important
Capture the good times
Develop the negatives
and if things don't work out.....
Just take another shot.
author unknown

3/19/09 - Here’s Miss Kittie and Rich relaxing on the sofa. It’s what they do best.
3/20/09 - The photos were finally done at Walmart. We had to use disposable cameras for the rafting and snorkeling on our trip to the Dominican Republic. I missed the instant gratification that digital cameras provide!
3/21/09 - Becky & Denny came over for Dinner tonight. We had spagetti and garlic bread. Rich gave Becky the Vanilla cigars he got for her while we were in the Dominican Republic.
3/22/09 - Sharlene wanted me to download Skype so we could talk for free. I finally did it today. She noticed me online quickly and we talked for 20 minutes. It was 1240 here, 7 hours later for her in South Africa.
3/23/09 - I noticed that the Forsythia bush was
flowering. It must have just started because I hadn’t noticed any color that way before today. The blossoms were just beginning to appear.
3/24/09 - It rained over two inches last night. We had to pump the water out of the basement.
3/25/09 - Camie & Miss Kittie were playing with this little shrew. I’m not sure which one caught it but they were happily doing their job.

1 comment:

plumbgone said...

I finally am able to leave comments!! This is lovely, Joni. I like the 2 pager. Miss Kitty looks so relaxed in the first picture. Keep them coming.