Life is like a camera Focus on what is important Capture the good times Develop the negatives and if things don't work out..... Just take another shot. author unknown
All 4 kits and Momma fox were out tonight. They came out at about the same time as last night, 7PM. I'm going to have to get brave and mow some of the grass and weeds so I can see them better.
AND.........they're back! Rich was out back yesterday and saw the 2 parents sitting by the back of the old hog shed. I went out tonight and waited. About 7PM, Momma came out and then 2 of the kits. We'll see how long they stay, the kits have grown quite a bit and are almost as tall as Momma but their tails are not nearly as full as hers.
This is where you need a scratch and sniff computer screen, hahaha! Can you smell them? The lilacs are getting ready to burst open. There is a slight hint of their wonderful fragrance in the air. Soon, their aroma will be everywhere!
Sierra sent me this photo today. It is from Sunday's bike races. The women's team decided to dress in theme before they rode their race. The theme was '80's workout. Sierra is the oldest of the women, born in 1986. The rest of them were barely there in the 1980's! From the left is Becca, Sinead, Anna, Sierra, Anna, Jackie, and Megan.
I'm starting to plant my garden flowers but trying to be careful what and how much I put out. There is still the chance that we might have another frost so I don't want to get too crazy and have to try and cover it all up. These verbenas should be OK to take a chance on.
Today, the Midwest Collegiate Cycling Conference Regional Criterium was held at Ross-Ade Stadium on the Purdue University campus in Lafayette, IN. Sierra's race was 60 minutes long. When the race started, it was sprinkling and then half way through the race, it was a steady rain through the end.
Here's Sierra getting ready for the last Collegiate Regional Road Race of her career. It was in Lafayette, Indiana. It was supposed to rain all day but held off until the 52 mile race was over.
I left work a little early today and headed over to Indianapolis with the boys (Chase & Charlie) to visit Kristin and Sierra. They do love to travel! Sierra has regional races this weekend at Purdue, so I'm going to watch her race in her last collegiate regional road and criterium races.
I just had to post another photo of the parent foxes. They are so beautiful, I feel so lucky to have had them right here at home. I hope for good health and safety for them until we meet again!
As much as I am in denial, I have to realize that the fox family has moved on already. I am disappointed but will anxiously await spring again in 2011 and hope that I will have a new family to watch. I have seen one adult and a couple of kits on my way to work the past 2 days. They are up the hill, maybe they had to move up there for food. I sure think that they would be safer here on our land!
Here's a new addition to my lily collection. It is an asiatic lily called "Tiny Sensation". It is not tiny at all but it is very beautiful and sensational, LOL.
The strawberries looked so delicious at the store. They were marked down to $1 and so I made this pie. Just a little whip on top and it was yummy!
Here's Momma fox, I don't have the chance as often to get photos of her. She's probably either with the kits or out hunting.
The fruit trees are in full bloom out back. Hopefully, it will not freeze again and we will have plenty of pears for making pear butter this fall.
There always has to be a first tick of the season and today was the day! I found this blood sucker crawling on my neck. It a good reminder for me to get to the vet for the dog’s protection.
No foxes today :( A storm was trying to materialize but never amounted to much, it rained but nothing measurable. I did manage to get this beautiful cardinal to cooperate for a photo.
I got this photo about 10 minutes after sunset. I am surprised how well it came out but I'm sure the remote shutter release/tripod combination was the reason.
Not much going on today. It was 80 some degrees and beautiful! The kits enjoyed their time in the sun!
Daddy fox came home this afternoon, I assume from hunting and Momma headed off. In this photo, I think he looks like he is bored with his babysitting duties! The 4 kits were running and playing with each other, they are so fun to watch.
Sierra sent me this today, she must have gotten them on clearance. This joke is a long time favorite of hers and mine! I haven't seen the foxes yet today. I have heard them and am hoping that they come out this evening.
It was a great day for watching the fox family. They were out around 12, 3, and 7PM. I have seen a total of 4 kits. At dusk tonight, they were running all over playing. One of the adult foxes has a healing cut on the right front leg. Other than that, I have not been able to tell them apart. So far, we have only seen 2 adults.
We've been waiting and here you are! We've been catching glimpses of the foxes and knew that it was about time to be able to watch them from our hiding place. Last night, one of the foxes was laying in the grass tormenting Charlie. I walked out to see what was going on and he got up and left. Tonight, we saw both parents and 2 little ones. Hopefully, in the next few days, we will see more of the family.
The daffodils are all out in full bloom in front of the house. They have appeared a little earlier than last year. The bumble bees and all sorts of bugs were loving them. I hope they last for a while, they are so beautiful!
Rich caught some sort of bug while we were visiting the girls last weekend. Today, it was 83 degrees outside. When I got home from work, I found Rich asleep outside on the chaise lounge with Delilah and Camo keeping him company. I got a couple of photos before the cats decided to get up and see what I was doing.
The hyacinths are in full bloom in the garden in front of the house. It seems like they popped up overnight! It's about a week earlier than last year. If you look closely at the photo, you can see that there is a bug in each of the blooms on these 2 stalks.
Well, the family togetherness weekend spent in Indianapolis is over! We had a great time with everyone and got to witness the craziness of the Butler basketball fans. Good luck to them tonight in the final game! We rode bikes, went out to eat, played with the dogs, worked in the yard, saw the "new" boat and plenty of other fun stuff!
Marian's criterium races brought the rain again this year. But, there was no lightning so all races were held as scheduled. Kristin and Tyler came prepared and were happy under their umbrella.
Marian University's Criterium was held today in Indianapolis. Here is the start line of the Women's A race. The Marian women from the left: Megan, Jackie, Sierra, Becca, and Anna. As a team they earned 1st, 3rd, 6th, and 7th.
I got to ride my bike about 12 miles today on the Monon trail in Indianapolis. It was about 80 degrees and beautiful. I found this swan on the White River. He posed very nicely for me and would come closer if I talked to him even though I had no food to give him.
I thought this would make a very interesting photo. It is an electric pole on the busy streets of Indianapolis. I can't imagine how many staples are in it. My photo is just a sampling.