Life is like a camera Focus on what is important Capture the good times Develop the negatives and if things don't work out..... Just take another shot. author unknown
Today, we got up and loaded up Tyler's vehicle for the trip back home. We went back for another meal at the restaurant before they left town. Moto and Thule were tired from their runs in the country and hopefully will sleep most of the way home.
Everyone slept in a bit this morning. Since Kristin and Tyler were craving Taco John's, we went for lunch. Then we came back home, decided on going to a movie and dinner. We went to see Mel Gibson's new movie, "Edge of Darkness". It was pretty good. We had dinner at the Hacienda and were home early. Everyone snuggled up on the couch; Moto especially wanted to cuddle with Kristin, even though he isn't quite a lap dog!
Kristin, Tyler, Thule and Moto arrived late tonight. They came as a surprise for Rich's birthday! They got here about 11PM and Rich was asleep on the couch. He woke up as the dogs went crazy welcoming each other. He was very sleepily surprised!
Today is Rich's 62nd birthday. I got this cake for him, it's called red velvet. It is so cold out we decided to stay home and warm instead of going out to eat.
Our solar lights are proof that the sun was out today. They have been dark so long that the sight of them this evening was nice to see. The light they put out seems to twinkle in the snow drifts surrounding them.
Today was pretty uneventful after the cleanup of the snow drifts. To my surprise, the plow was coming our direction at 5:30 this morning while I was out walking the dogs. I didn't have to worry about driving through the drifts and made it to work without any major problems. Tonight, I made dinner with this simple seasoning packet, chicken breasts, rice, tomatoes and corn. Yummy and EASY!
Here we go again! Last night, it was forecast to snow 1 inch. This morning, I opened the door and found at least 3 inches. It continued to snow all day for a total of 6 1/2 inches and then the wind came with gusts of up to 50 mph. The snowplows were pulled and the roads and interstate highways were closed all around us. Blizzard warnings again!
The cats are suffering from cabin fever. Here is Spitty playing in a plastic bag. Since the sun was out today, I put 3 of them out, they didn't want to go but I shut the door quickly. Before I posted this, the Colts won their way into the Super Bowl with their opponent to be decided in a couple of hours.
We went to see Avatar in 3D today. We both enjoyed it but I have to admit that the 3D made me a bit nauseous by the end. The weather was warmer today with rain melting some of the snow.
I've seen this group of turkeys several times this week. They must have found some corn spilled in the field because they have been in the same place each time I see them. When I stopped to take a pic, they started heading towards the forest, eventually running and then flying into the trees.
Today, the ice tried to melt as the temperature reached about 35 degrees. The ice on this fence must have melted off the wire but was still connected and looked like a rope stretched between the fence posts.
Here's a photo I took right after work today. We had an ice storm that started last night with freezing rain. Everything is covered with about 1/2 inch of ice and there are many homes without power this evening. And also - I fell for the first time this winter right as I got to my car in the parking lot at work, thank you ice storm! Maybe it will be both the first AND last time this winter!
Today, the hoarfrost made the whole area a beautiful winter wonderland. The definition of hoarfrost is: a deposit of needle-like ice crystals formed on the ground or surfaces by direct condensation at temperatures below freezing point. It stayed all day long, forming longer and longer crystals. I couldn't get outside in time to get a picture in the light so I found this one on the local weather channel's website.
I found this sight within walking distance of our home today. This is the kind of thing that gives hunters a bad name. Not only did they dump 2 deer carcasses but some other trash items also.
Tom, Kyle, Jon, and Tyler show off their new team jerseys - Naptown BMX
Here's our announcers for the weekend of racing. They are both great guys and traded off announcing and racing both days!
I got to Indianapolis at 1AM today, slept in til about 930AM when Kristin called. We went out for breakfast in Broad Ripple. We forgot to put money in the parking meter so I got a parking ticket - $20, WOW! Then we went to BMX practice. It's the first time I've been on my bike since my accident. It went OK and I'm looking forward to racing tomorrow.
Charlie was ready to go this afternoon when I got home from work. We are on our way to Indianapolis to visit Kristin and Sierra and go BMX racing!
WOW, it got to almost 40 degrees today! The city has been busy at night trying to remove all the snow so there will be room for the next storm.
The big news today was the earthquake in Haiti. It was said to be 7.0 on the Richter scale and there has been several aftershocks in the 5.9 to 6.0 range. Tsunami warnings have been broadcast for Cuba, the Bahamas and other areas in the vicinity.
For Christmas, Shelby gave me a new charm for my Pandora bracelet. I hadn't worn it in awhile so I got it out tonight and polished it up, ready for the new charm.
We took the dogs to the dog park today to burn off a little cabin fever. Charlie is very sociable and always finds someone to play with while there. It was supposed to be a balmy 20 degrees today with the south wind bringing in the warmth. But even with that promise, the wind chill forced us to bundle up completely.
These 2 pages are Week 1 of my project 365. Page kit is from Weeds and Wildflower Designs.
Here's my title page for January 2010 in my "Project 365" The journaling reads: Our dear friends Becky and Denny gave us this "Friendship Heart" by Isabel Bloom. The enclosed card read "A friend is someone who fills our lives with beauty, joy and grace and makes the whole world we live in a better and happier place." This seems like a perfect way to start the new year of 2010! Kit is from Weeds and Wildflower Designs.
Today, after giving my feet their daily treatment of pumice stone and lotion, I noticed that Chase had a healing crack on the pad of one of his hind feet. Maybe I need to get him some of that udder cream so his pads don't crack. I'll bet that is painful out in the ice and snow!
This is the view of our drive way this morning. Last night, a customer of Rich's took pity on us and plowed our drive. Prior to that, I couldn't get my car because of a huge drift. I just parked on the road and walked up to the house. Rich said they lived near us and would see us out walking the dogs. Rich agreed when I said that he better make sure he bought them dinner a few times!
The storm continues and the forecast is for 6-10 inches of snow with wind gusts of 30-50 mph and wind chills of at least -20 degrees. The snow plows have kept up pretty well today and this is the view as I near home this evening. I know that the drifts will soon make the road impassable and I will sleep in tomorrow morning and wait for the plow to come before I head to work.
There is another big winter storm coming in this evening. It is around zero degrees and Charlie insists on staying outside. He'll be wanting inside soon!
Friends Lisa and Joleen sent this photo to me after they met up at the RV park at the Orange Bowl in Miami. They were both there hoping to see the Iowa Hawkeyes win!
I am thankful to have a job in my chosen career. As a holiday gift, we received $25 to spend at our choice of a grocery store, gift shop, cafeteria, or donate to the food pantry. I chose to spend it at the grocery store today.
Wow, we've had quite the winter so far! Here's the icicles on the roof. When it was warm enough for them to form, I'm not sure, but there they are!
Shelby had been asking about little Camo so I took some pics of her today. Here is my favorite as she spends her winter inside, usually asleep!
It's a New Year and here is my first photo! Our dear friends Becky and Denny gave us this "Friendship Heart" by Isabel Bloom. The enclosed card read "A friend is someone who fills our lives with beauty, joy and grace and makes the whole world we live in a better and happier place." This seems like a perfect way to start the new year of 2010!