Life is like a camera
Focus on what is important
Capture the good times
Develop the negatives
and if things don't work out.....
Just take another shot.
author unknown

Here's weeks 14 and 15 of my 365 project:
4/2/09 - I found these Rainbow Mums at HyVee. I looked all over town for some flowers but nothing is out yet except at the grocery store.
4/3/09 - Chase, Charlie, and I are going to Indianapolis for the weekend. We are all packed and ready to go.
4/4/09 - Kristin and I spent some time on the Monon Trail today. I rode my bike while Kristin ran. This fish was on a mural on the trail.
4/5/09 - Kristin and Tyler look worried as the lightning and thunder begin right as Sierra’s bike race started. They canceled it after 4 laps.
4/6/09 - The Magnolia trees were in full bloom in Indianapolis. This one was on Marian College campus.
4/7/09 - Camie is snoozing after a full day at home.
4/8/09 - I was doing a tuneup on a friend’s bike. Chase was convinced that the tennis ball on her kickstand was his and worked to get it off.
4/9/09 - I saw this iPhone “app” advertised and bought it immediately! It’s amazing! It is very complete, full of photos and bird songs.
4/10/09 - I found this field of henbit in full bloom on the road to Lake Kahola today. I traveled to see Mother for the weekend.
4/11/09 - Today, Mother and I got 2 push mowers and her riding tractor running. We changed oil, cleaned air filters and charged batteries.
4/12/09 - I haven’t dyed Easter Eggs in a long time. I found a Camo-egg decorating kit at Wal Mart and knew it would be perfect.
4/13/09 - I found this Easter Lily at the grocery store today for only $2. I couldn’t resist it!
4/14/09 - I’m looking for the foxes this year but so far I can’t tell if they are here or not. Something is living here, I just don’t know what.
4/15/09 - The hyacinths are finally in full bloom in my garden in front of the house.

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