Life is like a camera
Focus on what is important
Capture the good times
Develop the negatives
and if things don't work out.....
Just take another shot.
author unknown

4/20/09 - This area has been weeded, mulched & ready for the growing season. I look forward to the bright yellow day lilies blooming and reminisce about the day Sierra and I built this in honor of Gramdma Dot.
4/21/09 - I’ve been watching and waiting and finally Rich spotted the foxes! It’s 2 days later than last year and the kits are so much smaller. Barely visible near Momma’s feet are 2 grayish kits.
4/22/09 - I had suggested to Rich that I would like to grow some veggies this year. We thought an elevated garden would be perfect. He had a rare day off and when I got home from work, the project had begun.

4/16/09 - I found these Jiffy pots in the basement. I thought I had nothing to lose by trying to start some seeds. I spent $1 for a packet of green bell pepper seeds. It may be a little late, but if so, its only $1 lost.
4/17/09 - While I was working in the garden, Camie kept me company. She patiently awaited the next elusive bird.
4/18/09 - Cocoa mulch is the best! The Men’s Garden Club in town sells it as a fund raiser every year but I seem to miss it. This year, I made sure that I got there in time. My garden needs an overhaul!
4/19/09 - I was cleaning out my flower beds today. I was using the trailer to haul the leaves and sticks away. When I emptied everything onto the burn pile, there was a little bull snake in the bottom of the trailer.

They are back!! I've been looking and waiting. You can barely see 2 little ones near Momma's feet. They are so little and still a grayish color. One had just a hint of rust color on its face. This really made my day!

This is my March summary of 365 project photos.

Here's weeks 14 and 15 of my 365 project:
4/2/09 - I found these Rainbow Mums at HyVee. I looked all over town for some flowers but nothing is out yet except at the grocery store.
4/3/09 - Chase, Charlie, and I are going to Indianapolis for the weekend. We are all packed and ready to go.
4/4/09 - Kristin and I spent some time on the Monon Trail today. I rode my bike while Kristin ran. This fish was on a mural on the trail.
4/5/09 - Kristin and Tyler look worried as the lightning and thunder begin right as Sierra’s bike race started. They canceled it after 4 laps.
4/6/09 - The Magnolia trees were in full bloom in Indianapolis. This one was on Marian College campus.
4/7/09 - Camie is snoozing after a full day at home.
4/8/09 - I was doing a tuneup on a friend’s bike. Chase was convinced that the tennis ball on her kickstand was his and worked to get it off.
4/9/09 - I saw this iPhone “app” advertised and bought it immediately! It’s amazing! It is very complete, full of photos and bird songs.
4/10/09 - I found this field of henbit in full bloom on the road to Lake Kahola today. I traveled to see Mother for the weekend.
4/11/09 - Today, Mother and I got 2 push mowers and her riding tractor running. We changed oil, cleaned air filters and charged batteries.
4/12/09 - I haven’t dyed Easter Eggs in a long time. I found a Camo-egg decorating kit at Wal Mart and knew it would be perfect.
4/13/09 - I found this Easter Lily at the grocery store today for only $2. I couldn’t resist it!
4/14/09 - I’m looking for the foxes this year but so far I can’t tell if they are here or not. Something is living here, I just don’t know what.
4/15/09 - The hyacinths are finally in full bloom in my garden in front of the house.

Here's week 13 of my 365 project:
3/26/09 - Camie caught Chase in a weak moment and was able to curl up next to him on the sofa. Chase gets nervous when the cats want to cuddle.
3/27/09 - The deer have been very common this year. Today, there was a group of about 15 in the pine trees down the hill from the house. I didn’t see any fawns. This group was mostly does and one young buck.
3/28/09 - This is the reason that I didn’t travel south to Kansas to visit Mother. The blizzard that was present down in Kansas was this storm for us.
3/29/09 - Since the weather was not good and Rich was working all weekend, I decided to make a pot of beef and noodles. Yum Yum
3/30/09 - Sierra sent me a link to the race report from last weekend. She was especially proud of the team effort to control the road race. She had her best finish of the year - 3rd.
3/31/09 - This year, March did not go out like a lamb. Instead, it went out like a lion with impressive wind gusts thoughout the state.
4/1/09 - Since a sort of restructing in our department at work, Diane was moved to another office. We had a potluck for her today. She loved the rainbow mums and gerbena daisy that we got for her.