Life is like a camera
Focus on what is important
Capture the good times
Develop the negatives
and if things don't work out.....
Just take another shot.
author unknown

April 18, 2008
I was almost home from work today and saw a fox running in the field along side the gravel road to our house. I slowed down and got a wonderful look at him. I went inside and got Chase and Charlie for their walk. We went towards the back of the house. There was a large group of deer down in the pine trees and as we were standing watching them, the same fox came around the corner of our old hog house. I was thrilled to get another look at such a beautiful animal. Page kit is "Dream It, Be It" by D. Stolz.


Christy said...

wow - GORGEOUS layouts! How amazing to see (and capture a photo of) that fox. Must have been very exciting. And your blog is BEAUTIFUl. I love your header!

Nancy said...

Wow, what an amazing photo, you don't get a chance like that too often. And your pages are beautiful.