Life is like a camera
Focus on what is important
Capture the good times
Develop the negatives
and if things don't work out.....
Just take another shot.
author unknown

September 23, 2008
This is Dixie National Forest in Utah. We drove through the forest on our way to Bryce National Park. Page kit is "Autumn Song" by Linda Cumberland.

September 26, 2008
Here's the new kitten again. She was climbing trees and it was nearly dark out. My new flash helped take a great photo of her being silly. Rich has taken to calling her "Camo". Page kit is "Old Blue Bliss" by Lynn Griffin.

July 30, 2008
A little kitten arrived in our yard. I'm trying to ignore her since we already have 3 cats. But she is sooooo cute and fluffy! Page kit is "Forest Walk" by Lynn Griffin.

September 24, 2008
Now that the weather is a bit cooler, I'll be working to update my blog with the summer's happenings. WOW, time flies! I just returned from a few days in and around Las Vegas. Here is a page of a amazingly clear photo of a bee in Zion National Park. I put it on an adapted QP from "Natural Feeling" kit by Lynn Griffin.

April 5, 2008
Here's 2 new pages of the weekend that Rich and I went to Indianapolis to watch Sierra and the team race in the Midwest Cycling Classic. The first one is of Sierra on the starting line waiting for her race and the second is Sierra and team mates during the race. Page kits are "Daddy's Love" by Linda Cumberland and "Deja Vu" by Lynn Griffin.

June 8, 2008
Here's more photos from my weekend in Indianapolis. Sierra finally took a whole day off and was able to enjoy some time learning how to ride Kristin and Tyler's jet skis. Kristin gave instructions and Sierra came back grinning. I really love how the water came out in the photo of Tyler. Page kit is "My Romance" by D. Stolz.

June 8, 2008
I went to Indianapolis to visit the girls, clean up some storm damage at Kristin's house, and go to a BMX race. It rained so much Friday night and Saturday morning that the race in Columbus, IN was canceled and there was major flooding south of Indianapolis. The White River in Indy was high but perfect for Kristin, Tyler, Sierra & friends to go jet skiing. Page kit is "Remember You" by D. Stolz.

May 21, 2008
Today was a great fox viewing day. There were six kits running around playing with each other. One of the momma foxes arrived and I was very surprised to see that the kits are nearly as big as her. They tried to play with her but she chased them away. Dad also showed up and played a little with the kits. He’s looking a bit ragged. I hope he’s in good health. Page kit is "Sealed with Love" by Lynn Griffin.

May 22, 2008
Momma Raccoon came for a visit to the water bucket. The foxes tried to run her off but she stood her ground. Page kit is "Among Friends" by Lynn Griffin.

May 20, 2008
The simple pleasure of watching our fox family has brought me such joy this spring. Page kit is "Enjoy Everyday Life" by Lynn Griffin.

January 27, 2008
The white tiger cubs seemed to enjoy our attention. They were so cute and playful. Wildlife World Zoo, Phoenix, AZ. Page kit is "Melody of Love" by Jemi.

April 27, 2008
Sierra received the "Most Valuable Cyclist" award at the annual Athletic Awards Banquet at Marian College. Page kit is "Nature Walk" by Verena Karolyi.

May 19, 2008
Here's one of the kits getting a drink out of a bucket. Page kit is "Enjoy Everyday Life" by Lynn Griffin.

May 20, 2008
Most of the kits look so much like that I haven't been able to separate them by distinct features. So far, this little kit stands alone with the white colored band across the nose. Page kit is "Just to See You Smile" by Lynn Griffin.

May 15, 2008
I spotted these goslings while biking through Waterworks Park. Page kit is "Coffeehouse" by Misty Cato/scraplift from Jennilyn.

May 3, 2008
On this Saturday afternoon, Daddy fox came to the den and gathered up most of the kits and took them on an outing. We watched them go down the hill toward the creek. We could hear the kits barking and at times could see them play hunting in the meadow. Page kit is "Warm Winter" by Lynn Griffin.

May 15, 2008
I loved this photo of the goose and her goslings in Waterworks Park. Journaling reads, "Follow Me! We'll be safe on the other side...." Page kit is "Deja Vu" by Lynn Griffin.

May 11, 2008 - Mother's Day
Kristin drove home and surprised me for Mother's Day. She arrived at 1130 PM on Friday night. Rich knew she was coming and stayed up to wait for her. I had gone to bed and when they woke me up, I knew it was her but I was really confused. We had a relaxing weekend, it was a wonderful gift to have her here. These photos are taken at Waterworks Park where the crabapple trees were in full bloom. Page kits are "Utopia" and "Just a Dream" by Lynn Griffin.

May 14, 2008
Sierra is done with her semester classes and back from Road Nationals and decided to go to the zoo with her friend Megan. Page kit is "Daydream" by Lynn Griffin.

May 3, 2008
We we quietly watching the foxes this evening. I leaned out the window to see where everyone was and was very surpised to see father fox on the roof of the old farrowing house. He seemed to be watching the world around him from atop his throne. Page kit is "Touch of Elegancy" by Lynn Griffin.

May, 2005
I was browsing through photos today and found this one of Shelby that I had never scrapped. We were at a BMX race in Nashville and she was volunteering. I just love this photo of her. Page kit is "Chatty" by Misty Cato.

This is possibly the most beautiful baby girl ever, LOL. Page kit is "One More Time" Bracket Album by Michelle Rodriquez found at The Scrapping Garden.

April 27, 2008
Another photo of our beautiful father fox. Page kit is "Rustic Fields" by D Stolz.

April 27, 2008

This mamma Canada goose decided to make her nest next to a strip mall. When I came back to take this photo, 2 eggs had rolled from the nest. Page kit is "Unforgettable" by Lynn Griffin.

Journaling reads:
April 27, 2008
It appears to me that the 3 adults of our fox family take turns watching the little ones while the others hunt for food. Today around noon, I was surprised to see that it was Daddy’s turn. He watched them lovingly and for just a short while, curled up under this pine tree very near to me and my camera. Page kit is "A Place Called Home" by Misty Cato.

Today's find of the day is this gray tree frog. He was perched on the side of the grill. Page kit is "Greenery" by Lynn Griffin.

Here's a photo of my mother around 1952. I thought it went perfectly with this beautiful freebie QP from Snowsmoon's Designs. The page kit is "A Mother's Love"

April 22, 2008
This is one of the two females in our fox family. In this photo, I am watching from the second story window of our garage and she seems to be looking right at me. The journaling on this page tells where the family is located. Foxes are small (10 lbs.) dog like animals with a sharp pointed nose, erect ears, a bushy tail, & black stockings. A femaile fox is called a vixen, her litter of kits is usually 4 or 5, up to 13. Page kit is "Weathered Decor" by Misty Cato.

April 20, 2008
I know right now that this photo will be my favorite for quite some time. I am so thrilled to have this family of foxes right in our back yard! Page kit is "Just To See You Smile" by Lynn Griffin.

Fox Update: The kits are getting old enough to come out and play. Last night, Rich and I watched from the second floor of the garage. Much to our surprise, there are at least 9 kits. I also found out the day before that there are 3 adults. So, now we see why some of the kits are visibly smaller than others. There are 2 mothers, each with their own litter! We watched them play and chase each other around. Dad caught a bird, it looked like a blue jay and brought it to them to eat. WOW, it must be hard work providing food for all of them. I have plenty of great photos and will continue to post them. Page kits here are "Snapshots II" by Cheryl McCain and "Just To Make You Smile" by Lynn Griffin.

Fox Update: Today, I headed out back to try to get more photos of the kits. I was there for awhile taking photos and when the little ones headed into the den, I took the time to move some pesky weeds that were in the way of my photos. Then back to my hiding tree. After about 15 minutes of waiting, here comes one of the parents with a meal. He/she spotted me so I left them alone. I decided to try another hiding spot in another building with a second story window. Turns out, there are 3 adults in the group. One of them would stand guard and a couple of the little ones came out and played with each other. I was thrilled!

April 20, 2008
Here's another photo of the kits I spotted today at home. Page kit is "Weathered Decor" by Misty Cato.

On Friday I saw a fox and thought maybe the den was in the back of our old farrowing house. Today, I went out to the "back 40" to take a picture of the finally blooming forsythia bush and decided to walk quietly to the farrowing house. Movement caught my eye and I stopped. Sure enough, there were 4 little kits playing and sunning in the pile of sand at the back of the building. I took photos and then carefully got closer and closer. I took about 30 photos before I left to go get Rich to have a look. One of the little ones actually barked at me and ran back under the floor of the building but came right back out, he must be the brave one. How fortunate I am to have seen these little wonders today! I'll post more photos of them but this one was my favorite right away.

May, 2007
This is a photo of Sierra and Krystal while on their trip to Sanibel Island. Krystal's mother won the trip and very generously gave the trip to the girls after classes were out for the spring semester. Page kit is "Touch of Elegancy" by Lynn Griffin.

April 18, 2008
I was almost home from work today and saw a fox running in the field along side the gravel road to our house. I slowed down and got a wonderful look at him. I went inside and got Chase and Charlie for their walk. We went towards the back of the house. There was a large group of deer down in the pine trees and as we were standing watching them, the same fox came around the corner of our old hog house. I was thrilled to get another look at such a beautiful animal. Page kit is "Dream It, Be It" by D. Stolz.

March 31, 2008
For those of you who haven't seen Chase lately, here he is. He is waiting patiently for me to throw his beloved ball. We were at Raccoon River Dog Park. Page kit is "Pink Parfait" by D Stolz.

December 1, 2007
Two friends and I traveled to Orlando to attend an Asthma Educators Class. We had a free morning and traveled over to Cocoa Beach. We found this group of storks wading in the causeway waters. Journaling reads, "A large, white, bald-headed wading bird of the southeastern swamps, the Wood Stork is the only stork breeding in the United States. Its late winter breeding season is timed to the Florida dry season when its fish prey become concentrated in shrinking pools." Page kit is "Lush Blooms" by Z. Pearn. I started the LO with a template by A Aviso.

Last weekend, Rich and I went to Indianapolis to visit the girls. Here's Kristin and her dogs, Moto and Thule. Page kit is You and Me by Misty Cato.

Here's Sierra at her cycling spring training camp in South Carolina. Page kit is "Unforgettable" by Lynn Griffin.

March 17, 2008
Soaring high over the beach....searching for a meal....Balneario De Luquillo, Puerto Rico. Nearly perfect except for the out of place feather, I feel very lucky to have caught this pelican in flight. Isn’t he fantastic? Page kit is "Enjoy Everyday Life" by Lynn Griffin.

March 12, 2008
These flowers were lining the drive way of the beach house where we stayed in La Parguera, Puerto Rico. They appear in various colors and seem to grow like weeds throughout the countryside. I’m sure the farmers consider them noxious weeds like the wild rose here in Iowa. Page kit is "Spring Into Easter" by Linda Cumberland.

We bought a new replacement pocket camera today. To try it out, I took this photo of Miss Kittie with her chin on my laptop. Page is from "Touch of Elegancy" freebie QP on Lynn Griffin's blog.

Here's Sierra and friends during spring break training in South Carolina. Page kit is "Enjoy Everyday Life" by Lynn Girffin.