Life is like a camera
Focus on what is important
Capture the good times
Develop the negatives
and if things don't work out.....
Just take another shot.
author unknown
Here's the afghan that I've been taking apart and using the yarn for a new afghan. It has been a kind of therapy for me. As I've been working on a new, beautiful pattern my thoughts have been that I am taking apart my life bit by bit from a time that was hurried and not satisfying. I have found a new pattern that is beautiful, needs concentration, and has been put back together from the best pieces of my previous life.
Cadel and Sagan displaying some of that sisterly love!
We are getting closer to the shortest day of the year. I'm at work with the sun going down at about 5:22 PM. I can't wait until the day light time starts to be longer each day!
I'm not sure why I like this little chest of drawers but I do. Now is the time.....
Indy Cycloplex Cross today while Sierra was at Jingle Cross in Iowa City.
Today, I earned a little extra money by doing health screenings.
For Kristin's birthday, we got ice and snow but thankfully, it didn't stay around too long!
Another great photo by Cycle Exposure of Sierra racing at the USGP Derby Cup! She placed 38th today.
Sierra raced USGP Derby Cup today, she placed 30th. I didn't go this time so this photo is by Cycle Exposure.
Kristin loves pretzel M&Ms so I sometimes grab a bag for cookies or snacking!
I am moving right along with my practice stitch. I think it will be perfect for a baby blanket!
I decided to make some old fashioned beef stew today, added some noodles though. It was pretty good!
Since I have a grandchild on the way, I decided I need to get out the crochet hook and try a new stitch suitable for a baby blanket. I plan on practicing for awhile and then have Kristin pick a color and I'll get started!
I attended an ISETT meeting today and won this gift card. Thank you!
Here's Jessica and Andrea as we all celebrated passing our written exam at the Spaghetti Factory. After this, it is off to working full time starting next week!
So happy to have passed my written exam today. Now - off to celebrate!