Life is like a camera
Focus on what is important
Capture the good times
Develop the negatives
and if things don't work out.....
Just take another shot.
author unknown

2/19/09 - Sierra sent me this photo of her and new boyfriend, Ethan. They were out with friends at Ike & Jonesy’s in downtown Indianapolis.
2/20/09 - Miss Spitters is waiting patiently for her turn at the food dish.
2/21/09 - I caught this beautiful sunrise on our early morning walk. The sun shone like a beacon straight upward.
2/22/09 - It turned colder again with an ugly wind chill, so I decided it was time for another pot of chili.
2/23/09 - Camie prefers her drinking water straight out of the faucet.
2/24/09 - It’s difficult to throw away our 30 year old hiking boots. We spent the entire summer of 1979 with them during our honeymoon in Alaska.
2/25/09 - It was 60 degrees out today. After work, we decided to take the dogs to the park. When we opened the tailgate of the truck, out jumped the stow away, Miss Kittie.
BG papers by Galiscrap, Template by WW designs.

Thursday: Since I was going to be gone on Valentine’s Day, Rich gave me flowers, a card, and took me out for dinner last night.
Friday: After BMX practice on Friday Afternoon, Maggie tried out the women’s specific bike that I brought. It fit perfectly.
Saturday: We were staying at the Drury Inn in Grove City, OH. where they have free popcorn before dinner. I got this great photo of Thule while he was leaning on my leg begging for a treat.

Sunday: As a Christmas gift for Kristin and Sierra, I gave them tickets to Saltimbanco. Today was the day of the show. They both LOVED the perforance. I saw it for the second time and it was just as good as the first.
Monday: I drove home from
Indianapolis today and found a surpirse in the mailbox from Shelby. Her note said that she found this book and instantly thought of me and my mother.
Tuesday: I gave mountain bikes to 2 members of the BMX team that I belong to, ages 12 and 8. I received these letters from them:
Dear Mrs. Joni: Thank you so much for the mountain bike. I can’t wait until the weather gets better and I get to take it on the trails in the park. Luke and I have been talking about it since my Mom & Dad brought the bike home. Thank you, Logan
Dear Mrs. Joni: Thank you for the new bike. Red is my favorite color. Even though it is a little big. I love riding it, Thank you, Connor
Wednesday: I love orchids! I walked in the door after work today to find this one on the table. Rich had the morning off and found this beauty at Wal Mart.

2/5/09 - Today, it was about 60 degrees outside and Camie enjoyed being out for the first time since her surgery.
2/6/09 - Charlie found this dead squirrel at the dog park. It looks like it is just sleeping.
2/7/09 - Joleen, Christy, and I spent the afternoon at “Dance for Your Heart” doing pulmonary function tests.
2/8/09 - Chase truely enjoys playing in the snow melt at the dog park.

2/10/09 - Who doesn’t love microwave popcorn? This happens to be Orville Redenbacher’s Kettle Corn, that very low calorie snack!
2/11/09 - Here’s my computer screen at work. I get to look at my little foxes everyday. I’m hoping another litter or two is about to be born in our back “40” again this year. I’m anxiously awaiting their arrival.......
2/12/09 - Julie, Tena, and I started working out climbing the stairs before lunch in preparation for the “Power Climb” fundraiser for the American Lung Association. You climb 1000 stairs, 41 floors, or 85 flights on February 22.

January 14, 2009 - Journaling reads: On our train ride up the Verde Canyon, I hear our guide asking someone to please get down off the bench. I look around to see what’s going on and discover she’s talking to my mother! Page kit is 'Home Sweet Home" by Lynn Griffin.

1/16/09 at the Phoenix Zoo. Journaling reads: Here on the Children's Trail, we found the Wallaby Walkabout. After we got the children out of the way, we were able to climb into the Wallaby's pouch for a quick pose. Page kit is "Home Sweet Home" by Lynn Griffin.

I finally got a LO done from our Phoenix vacation. Journaling reads:
Shelby LOVES In-N-Out Burger. On our last evening in Phoenix, she talked us into going one more time. We ordered, took our first bites, then Shelby groaned, “I forgot to take a picture!” So, she went back to the counter and asked if she could take a picture of a freshly made cheeseburger.

GET THIS! They made her another; magazine ready as you can see. Then, after she got her photos, they gave it to her. With pure joy, she proceeded to eat them both!

Kit is "Rainforest Revelry" by Misty Cato

Here's Week 5 of my 365 project. Thursday brought Camie home from the vet after being spayed. Friday, I traveled through Paducah and the southern ice storm. Saturday, we had dinner at the Grand Ole Opryland hotel. Sunday, Kittie was awarded NBL Volunteer of the Year. Monday, the aftermath of the ice storm. Tuesday, the wood is almost gone. Wednesday, the spot of my first fall this winter.